About This Blog

This Blog has been established for three (3) primary purposes:
1.      To encourage family members to:
a.       write, record, and share personal memories they have of our tupuna (forefathers),
b.      submit memories for posting, and
c.       encourage others to share stories about their tupuna

2.      To provide relevant and personal educational opportunities for:
a.       our children in their school research projects
b.      family members, living in other parts of the world, who are unfamiliar with the Northland and New Zealand culture, and
c.       family members who wish to expand the information available about our tupuna

3.      To keep the memory of our tupuna alive, so that we-- along with our posterity-- can:
a.       benefit from the lessons they taught,
b.      use their life experiences to inform and guide us in our daily decision making, and
c.       apply the characteristics of love, perseverance, tenacity, and courage they have exhibited, in our own lives.

Who can submit information to the Blog?
Anyone can submit a story, comments, or photos that connect them to Grandpa, Nanny, and extended family.  Non-family members may also submit information.  (Often, non-family members will have stories, photos, memories, and taonga of which our family is unaware.  Their contributions can help to shed new light on the life of our tupuna.)  Contributions from WW1 veterans and family members of WW1 veteran’s are also encouraged and welcome.

Can I post whatever I want on the Blog?
No!  However, because life is made up of the bitter and the sweet-- the good and the bad-- some experiences that are submitted may be less positive than others.  Submitting this information is still acceptable, if—and only if:
  • The submission is respectfully written, and 
  • There is a central purpose/theme or an obvious lesson/moral that those reading the blog can benefit from.
What can I post on the Blog?
You can post anything that relates to Grandpa, Nanny, and their families. 

Can I submit Whakapapa?
Yes. Whakapapa can be posted, if it traces to-or-from Grandpa’s and/or Nanny’s families.  (Please note: Including or excluding information about ‘living’ family members is the responsibility of the person submitting Whakapapa.)

What information should I include with photos I submit?
Photos should be clearly identified.  This will help individuals to identify with the contents (e.g. family, location, etc.) of the photo.  The following are examples of simple photo descriptions that can assist us in teaching others about our tupuna:
  • Photo #1: “Grandpa in military attire (date)"
  • Photo #2: “(Full Name), great-grand daughter of Richard and TeMaki Heperi."
  • Photo #3: “The Kemp home, in Pangaru, where Grandpa and Nanny lived (date house was occupied)."
  • Photo #4: “Grandpa’s farm, Waihou (date photo taken).” 
If a photo is old and unable to be dated, you are still encouraged to submit it.  Remember, others may recognize people or places in the photo, and help you to identify them.

Should I include personal contact information with my submission?
Including your name and email address can help families and/or individuals to contact one another, directly.  However, while including contact information is strongly encouraged, it is not mandatory. 

Can I submit corrections to information contained on this Blog?
Feel free to submit corrections to any of the factual information contained in this Blog.  I am not a professional researcher or specialist on World War I history.  However, I have done all I can to accurately research and report the facts this Blog contains.  Nevertheless, because of my limitations, the Blog will still contain inaccuracies.  Identifying those inaccuracies, and submitting fully referenced, corrections is an important practice for the readers of this Blog to be involved in.
If-- through your own research-- you find a date, location, statement, etc. that is incorrect or incomplete, please submit it to me.  Including the following information with your correction/clarification will prompt timely changes:
  1. Identify the inaccurate fact, as it appears on the Blog.
  2. Identify the location of the inaccurate fact, on the Blog.
  3. Rewrite the fact, as it should appear on the Blog, and
  4.  Reference/Cite the source of the correction you are submitting (i.e. text, author, page, date, etc), so the replacement fact can be verified and posted.

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